Friday, November 7, 2008

The Bible a time-bomb

God's ways to get things done are sometimes fascinating. We, as missionaries, are always on the look out for effective ways to bring the gospel to those who've not heard. Therefore, we pray and read and wait and try new things.

Some time last year, I was praying about what we could do in the neighborhood to bring in more fruit. God began speaking to me about the fact that almost every polish family sees itself as Catholic, and has a Bible in the home. The amazing thing is that the majority of these families will live their lives, the good times and the bad, never having opened the Word!

There began to germinate in me a desire to see people in the neighborhood open their Bibles, and fall in love with the Author of it. Of course, I could not imagine how I might encourage them to do so. So, the idea was put on the back burner, and from time to time I'd return to it in my heart and pray it over again.

At some point I ran across info about a group called the Bible League. I'm sure I should have known who they were and what they did long ago. But, I've always been sort of out of the loop in evangelical circles and have stuck to a few Heroes of the faith and a couple bible teachers, and not searched much outside those resources. Anyways, turns out they've been working in Poland for quite a while now and are doing a good work. And the main thrust of what they're doing? Getting people to read the Word!

So, we've invited them to come to our city and lead some training in doing Bible studies for nonbelievers. We see it as a wonderful opportunity to get people in the church involved in evangelism, while at the same time getting quality co work in that they will provide bibles and study materials free or charge.

I'm convinced that the people reading the Word is key to the bigger picture here. We don't have to convince them to take a Bible in - all of them already have one. But just as people in our Bible studies have so often mentioned before, the change comes when they begin to read for themselves, desiring to know Him and know what He's put in the Bible.

So, that's the direction for prayer for me for now concerning the neighborhood. I want those spiritual bombs to go off in every home and fill this town with the knowledge of Him!

Back in the Saddle Again

I probably owe anyone who has checked this blog for updates an apology. As it says in the heading, this blog is supposed to be updated almost daily. I promise a change for the better. I'm going to set my reminder in my mail program so that it'll keep me on task with this every other day or so!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Time for a Break

We will go to the mountains tomorrow, by way of Warsaw and Angelika's mom's house. It'll be a 6 hour train ride, thankfully with no transfers, to get to Warsaw. Then Monday we'll caravan on to a town in the south of Poland, up near where we had our honeymoon.

Going on a week's vacation to a rented house is new for me. We did this last year at this time, but to a rented place on a lake in the north of poland. We will split the costs with two other families of friends of ours from warsaw.

It's a needed break. I'm not used to taking a break without a movie theater very near by. But I'm thinking that we very much need the time to get away and pray. I also might start writing..something. There are several things on my heart to write and I need to start following His leading to write more. But more than anything, we'll relax, enjoy fellowship, and let Angelika smack us all down in Phase 10.

In case you all are wondering, yes Poland is a buzz with talk of Russia, Georgia and the Missle Shield. The times are changing...and He is in control.

Blessings till I return!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Teeth and a muffin

I try to be aware of the moments when I'm supposed to do something for someone. I say I try to be aware cause honestly, I'm one of those guys that can be walking down the street seemingly thinking about objects or people at hand, but really I'm deep in thought:

Man it would have been cool to be an actor in Band of Brothers.
I wonder what kind of character I'd play...
chaplain...yeah, that would have been cool
chaplain or maybe heavy machine gunner...either...
I wonder how heavy those machine guns actually are...hmmm, I'll have to look that up on wiki when i get home...

Yeah, that's the way it goes sometimes.

But recently, I've been blessed to be aware enough to see two moments to help. The first was when I heard that one of the young guys i've been taking on these trips broke a front tooth in half and had a dead molar. I decided to take him to a very reputable dentist, who just happens to be a friend from church. And in the meantime, I figured I'd bight the proverbial bullet and get a checkup myself.

I hate checkups at the dentist. I wouldn't hate them if they were always unfruitful. But sadly, they actually find something at these things and for me, that's bad! But I knew it's been about five years since my last checkup, so high time to get it done.

We spent the better part of a day together to get to the dentist office, get worked on a little, walk to the radiology place and get xrays, then bus and lengthy walk back home. And thankfully, this guy is more talkative than his buddies. We talked about alot of stuff, and each time I could share what God means in my life was just a joy.

The other time was today after bread hand-outs.

I went downstairs to get some more bread since we underbought. I heard alot of arguing come from the little store that's situated literally under the stairs. Actually, I just heard a guy cursing...alot. And I could tell immediatelly that he was under the influence. I had seen him around once or twice - a very normal, professional looking young man. But this was the first time I had seen him drunk. In his right hand - a full new bottle vodka. With his left he made a fist.

I waited to see what he'd do to the sales girl, who is either his sister or his wife, I'm not sure which. But I heard him say he'd hit her if she didn't give him something he wanted. I waited to see if he'd try, and had determined that a knee to the back of his, and an arm around his neck would most likely discourage him from carrying out his threats. But, I decided I'd wait till he actually tried to be physical to step in. Praise God he changed his mind when he saw me standing behind him, and staggered off away accross the street.

I went to the bakery, bought a muffin (my favorite thing to eat in poland, hehe) and brought it to the still visibly shaken lady. She smiled and I told her God loved her...just then her phone rang. I walked away, and made mental plans to go back with Angelika and talk to her and hopefully convince her to let us pray with her about the situation.

I will be going out to the many alcoholics that sit and stand, and too often lay face down, infront of the stores nearby. I want to make up some buisness card / tract type things to hand out to them and encourage them to talk to me.

God wants to bind up the broken hearted and those who break hearts... and we want Him to use us.... at the dentist, at the store, wherever He might.

G'night guys and gals.

Tug of War

Happened again today.

I was on my way home with Daniel in the stroller. He's started teething and it has caused him to break out in fever. So, we've taken him to the doc, obtained the right meds and are just trying to help him be comfortable. So, after a whole day of being difficult, I decided Angelika needed a break and took him for a long long walk.

On the way back my path crossed with a rather heavy-set woman, pulling a smart wire cart. I had seen her earlier this morning on my way to the church to hand out bread. Then, she hadn't really caught my attention. But this afternoon, she sure did. I stopped and turned to watch as she walked away cause I could feel that familiar inner call of the Holy Spirit to stop, and pay attention to the one.

She stopped at the end of the low brick wall which was on my right, her left. She sat down on it. I was no more than 10 feet away, looking at her and feeling God massage my heart. And there I stood - interceeding. I didn't know quite what to do at that moment, which is weird for me. Again, I felt God pushing my heart to pray for ways to reach the "normal" people of the neighborhood.

I've been wanting to organize a support group to help overweight people lose weight here in the neighborhood. Something like this is a big deal - not easy for me to imagine how to organize, advertise and run something like that. But, having been a person who has struggled with excess pounds his whole life, I know it's a form of bondage that holds a person back from God's best.

So, I'll go to the sports college at the start of the new year and see what I can work out with some people there. I stood praying for that lady at the opposite end of the wall for some time. I didn't go up to her; I didn't think Daniel would let me since he had been out for more than two hours with me already and was starting to get antsy.

I love the times when He puts His heart into me, and lets me share just a fraction of the compassion He has for His children - both the lost and found. If you've never asked Him to give you compassion for someone, do it now. Just ask Him to let you in for a minute to show you how He feels about a particular person. It's amazing. It'll make you stand and look and pray.... and maybe organize a group!

Friday, July 25, 2008


He is about fourty. He is wearing a white short-sleeve polo with three buttons and a collar, faded blue jeans and converse shoes with those fat shoe laces. His skin is dark tan despite his slavik birth, because of long days under the summer sun (the weather today neared 100f).

His dark hair is neatly trimmed but matted from sweat and lack of care. About three steps behind him, I smell the smell that signifies an alcoholic.

Coming from the opposite direction is a woman who is rather tall, big boned with a light complexion and reddish hair. She's well groomed and has sunglasses on to block out the harsh summer sun. She's leading two little children by the hands.

I hear the man behind me now, call out to them.

My instinct kicks in and i stop, turn and wait to see what will happen. I am ready to go and break up any problems he might start for this happy group of mother and children. I'm certain he's mistaken them for someone else or perhaps knows them as neighbors. Either way, I'm pretty sure I might need to step in to help the lady keep her kids safe.

But much to my surprise and much more to my dismay, the little boy reaches up and takes dad by the hand. Dad has that half drunk, half happy, half 'yeah I got a little boy so be proud of me' look on his face.

I turn and walk away and as I do I ask God to let me step in and help. I ask Him to give me the chance to 'step in to help the lady keep her kids safe' but in a more permanent way. I want to help her get the man she married back. I want to show them all that God loves them too much to ignore them. But for now I just pray...and wait...and listen.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Echoes of home

My best friend Bartek works at a movie theater. It's a wonderful movie theater (let me take a moment to explain that I unashamedly, unabashedly, unequivocally love movies. I'm a movie goer from way back when my dad used to take me to a double-feature for 99 cents at the Margate Twin Cinema)

So, when my best friend was seeking God's will about taking a part time job to help himself through college, I was johnny on the spot with a word. Not necessarily a word from God, mind you, but a word from yours truly. And that word was "FREE PASSES". Those are two words, but you can say anything fast enough and enthusiastically enough for it to come out as one.

Anyhow, today Bartek took me to see Wall-E. Just for those traditional types who'd say a missionary isn't supposed to see movies but work - I went after nine at night, when all the sinners are asleep anyways. Also, I got the medium coke, not the large - thus saving more money to be used to buy flour and sugar for when the bombing starts again. So, we're good. And, incase I forgot to mention it - the ticket was free! (ok, think i might have covered all objections, hehe)

Let me tell you what I came away from that movie with; a real sense of needing to lose weight. Now, if you've not seen the movie, please - go. Especially if you're living in the states, you owe it to yourself to see this flick. You can take your kids - it's completely safe. But, let me warn you, when the kids come out they'll be just happy having seen a sweet romantic animated comedy ----but you dear reader - if you're even a little on the lazy side, you will be throwing your popcorn in the trash halfway through the film.

So, I will again lace up the running shoes and go pound the pavement tomorrow morning. I have been doing fast walking up hill lately in the morning since running on asphalt is supposed to be bad for you knees...tomorrow maybe I'll wear a backpack with rocks in it!

One more thing about the movie theater... whether this is a positive or negative, the movie theater will always remain a place that reminds me of family. I'm a very nostalgic person and I enjoy being moved. So, there are times when I go to the movie early - sit in the dark theater - and just remember what it used to be like to sit next to dad and swap candy that neither of us were supposed to have and both of us had sworn to keep a secret from mom. There is no more Margate Twin... and dad and I don't have weekend rituals anymore...but I have a son now, and a best friend with free passes.

G'night all.
Love ya dad.


Saturday, July 19, 2008

Reasons Why It Shouldn't Have Worked

1. No formal education
2. No missions education
3. Too young

Those are at least three reasons I can think of why I shouldn't have made it more than a year on the field. A little over ten years ago when I came out here, I was a young man with a desire to be obedient to the call of God in my heart.

I wasn't one of those "Either a missionary or a backslider" types - I just knew God had spoken and I needed to follow:

I heard Him say, "Come follow."
That was all.
My gold grew dim, I rose and followed Him.
Beloved, who wouldn't follow, if they heard Him call?

I don't remember where I heard those words first - I think it was on a cd about a woman who was put into a Japanese prisoner of war camp during the second world war...but I'm not certain. It does pretty much sum up what I felt then, and what I feel now.

Today, I walked among the apartment blocks of this old neighborhood. From towering communist-style block to towering communist-style block I went looking for men who are suffering who will let us help them out. In between two blocks and two appointments I ran into one of the men we often meet who is a case that many would call a foregone conclusion.

He is often incoherent.
He is often soiled.
He is often in a kind of alcohol-induced stupor.

But today, as I walked up the stairs to get to one of the groups of apartment blocks, he walked beside me and the conversation went:

He started "Dzien dobry!" (means hello with respect)
Dzien dobry. (I get no ! I was less enthusiastic)

"Would you please help me?"
How can I help you? (I thought he was going to ask me to carry his bags)

"I want to change....well, at least a little. I only ever talk to my drinking friends...we just drink. I don't want to be that kind of person...that kind of alcoholic." (was possibly the most pristine sentence i have ever heard from a drunk man)

Well, you'd first have to go for a week long detox....then we can begin to talk about how to help you and where you can go.

"But I do want to least a little."
Ok, we'll talk more. Want to talk now?

"Uh, I got to go - the apartment is empty - someone has to watch it." (and it really did seem he was convinced that someone needed to watch an empty apartment)

These are the kinds of conversations one has on the road to helping people find freedom from bondage and freedom in Christ. Makes life interesting...makes a person wonder what will happen today, when they wake up in the morning.

I had strikes against me coming out here - but it's been a little over ten years and I'm still here. Though there were times when I bet I should have been sent back and let someone else more capable take my place. But, I trust that He knew and knows what He is doing.


Friday, July 18, 2008


Hey everyone,

This is the first of what I hope will be many blog entries about life here. So many people have told me that I'm supposed to write that I finally decided to do something - partly out of the desire to be able to tell these people that I AM finally writing something.

I hope this exercise will help me to perfect the abilities God has given me, and lead to the writing of the books I have in my heart and mind to write. I don't know when that will happen, but I'm pretty certain that at least two books are in His plans for me.

So, here we go. If it gets mind-numbingly boring, just let me know.

In His embrace,