Friday, July 18, 2008


Hey everyone,

This is the first of what I hope will be many blog entries about life here. So many people have told me that I'm supposed to write that I finally decided to do something - partly out of the desire to be able to tell these people that I AM finally writing something.

I hope this exercise will help me to perfect the abilities God has given me, and lead to the writing of the books I have in my heart and mind to write. I don't know when that will happen, but I'm pretty certain that at least two books are in His plans for me.

So, here we go. If it gets mind-numbingly boring, just let me know.

In His embrace,


MadziaMadzia said...

hey! you're already my favorite blogger! :)))) welcome to the club and i am soooooo looking forward to what God is going do through this blog in others... and in you! Hugs for Angela, Daniel and yourself. Magda K

Anonymous said...

Corey - what a wonderful idea! And you and your family look beautiful! Praise God! I look forward to your many bloggings!
