Saturday, August 9, 2008

Tug of War

Happened again today.

I was on my way home with Daniel in the stroller. He's started teething and it has caused him to break out in fever. So, we've taken him to the doc, obtained the right meds and are just trying to help him be comfortable. So, after a whole day of being difficult, I decided Angelika needed a break and took him for a long long walk.

On the way back my path crossed with a rather heavy-set woman, pulling a smart wire cart. I had seen her earlier this morning on my way to the church to hand out bread. Then, she hadn't really caught my attention. But this afternoon, she sure did. I stopped and turned to watch as she walked away cause I could feel that familiar inner call of the Holy Spirit to stop, and pay attention to the one.

She stopped at the end of the low brick wall which was on my right, her left. She sat down on it. I was no more than 10 feet away, looking at her and feeling God massage my heart. And there I stood - interceeding. I didn't know quite what to do at that moment, which is weird for me. Again, I felt God pushing my heart to pray for ways to reach the "normal" people of the neighborhood.

I've been wanting to organize a support group to help overweight people lose weight here in the neighborhood. Something like this is a big deal - not easy for me to imagine how to organize, advertise and run something like that. But, having been a person who has struggled with excess pounds his whole life, I know it's a form of bondage that holds a person back from God's best.

So, I'll go to the sports college at the start of the new year and see what I can work out with some people there. I stood praying for that lady at the opposite end of the wall for some time. I didn't go up to her; I didn't think Daniel would let me since he had been out for more than two hours with me already and was starting to get antsy.

I love the times when He puts His heart into me, and lets me share just a fraction of the compassion He has for His children - both the lost and found. If you've never asked Him to give you compassion for someone, do it now. Just ask Him to let you in for a minute to show you how He feels about a particular person. It's amazing. It'll make you stand and look and pray.... and maybe organize a group!

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