Friday, August 15, 2008

Time for a Break

We will go to the mountains tomorrow, by way of Warsaw and Angelika's mom's house. It'll be a 6 hour train ride, thankfully with no transfers, to get to Warsaw. Then Monday we'll caravan on to a town in the south of Poland, up near where we had our honeymoon.

Going on a week's vacation to a rented house is new for me. We did this last year at this time, but to a rented place on a lake in the north of poland. We will split the costs with two other families of friends of ours from warsaw.

It's a needed break. I'm not used to taking a break without a movie theater very near by. But I'm thinking that we very much need the time to get away and pray. I also might start writing..something. There are several things on my heart to write and I need to start following His leading to write more. But more than anything, we'll relax, enjoy fellowship, and let Angelika smack us all down in Phase 10.

In case you all are wondering, yes Poland is a buzz with talk of Russia, Georgia and the Missle Shield. The times are changing...and He is in control.

Blessings till I return!

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