Thursday, October 21, 2010

Difficult to watch...

Today was one of those days when the good and bad come running together.

We work with alcoholics here, many of them homeless. I spent my time today split between praying for the men and women we work with, going to the city offices of social services to get support for a project we're working on related to Christmas and these men and...calling the police.

It's been while since I've this deeply felt so sorry for the men we work with. Two older gentlemen, one a real polish dziadek (grandpa) have been living in the apartment of another of the men we work with. The owner of the apartment has now gone to the hospital, blinded by cataracts and with a completely destroyed liver that has really ceased to function.

That man asked Piotr and I to get the other guys out of his apartment and change the lock. Piotr when over and changed the lock once the other guys had left, but they came back to quickly and setup shop again. Piotr called me to come help him get them out. I'm not a little guy, but I'm also not a violent one. We obviously, and for good reason, decided to let the Police handle the situation.

But that's the moment when I feel worst. Watching these older men have to be man-handled, threatened, and paraded to the police van is no fun. The Christ in them that's been there since the beginning (they look like their Dad to me), is screaming out that this is not the way a man should be. And I feel more than a little powerless to change the situation just they're taken off to sober up in a holding cell.

These men have had pride in the past. They've had courage. They've done brave things. The older of the two today was actually in a special part of the army during the fight with the Germans. But you can't tell that, with his pants down around his ankles, with his hat thrust on his head backwards - he looks buffoonish. And my heart breaks for him.

Pray with us for these men. We'll get a chance to sit and talk with all of them again soon. Pray that He'll work in their hearts to find change that will last all eternity.


Friday, October 15, 2010

Where on the mountain?

I was thinking today about mountains. I remember hiking up one once. We camped at the very top of a completely bald mountain (picture smoky, not rocky). It was an awesome, if not frigid experience. The wind hit us from seemingly every direction. To get up in the middle of the night to take care of one's business was a real life decision. There were no trees, no bushes, just stars, darkness, wind and slopes downward into blackness. We were at the top of the mountain.

Isn't that where everyone wants to be? I mean, really - whether a missionary leading souls to salvation or a mechanic fixing cars for a living - doesn't every man want to be at the top of the mountain he lives on? Have more customers than he knows what to do with....have enough money to not think about the bills...have enough friends to never wonder who to call...have enough success in your profession to never ever have to feel shame when talking about it.

I'm not at the top of my mountain. I am torn, cause I don't know if I want to be. I want to do well for Him. He did perfectly well for me. However, I want to be satisfied.

Someone said "There are two kinds of wealth: One is to have everything we want. The other is to be satisfied with what we have." I've never been a man of ambition. But when the outcome is souls saved, shouldn't I be?

Just some thoughts to keep this blog'll get better soon - promise.


Monday, October 11, 2010

Kick Start

How many times have I said that I'm coming back to blogging?  So, here's a kick-start to get me going again.  Here's to hoping the joy becomes a habit this time and that the habit will bear fruit that is good and that blesses someone out there.

I'll still be writing about my weight-loss journey - and missions life.  I'll be doing all my Life in Poland stuff here, too.

See you back here either today or tomorrow.

For now, I'll let someone else inspire you:
